Editorial / Opinion
Great Day in the Morning!
April 3, 2025
Miracles still happen, especially when the American voters decide they have had enough! Eight weeks ago, on January 20th, Donald J. Trump was sworn it as the 47th President of our United States of America, no minimal feat after more than eight years of attacks by the woke left in our country. Americans were tired of the lack of leadership delivered by the left that was represented in the image of Joe Biden, an image with zero presence, and even less apparent cognition. His own party concealed his all-too-apparent lack of cognition with the full cooperation of the mainstream media, but the American people were smart enough to ask questions and seek answers.
The results of this situation are crystal clear. The comparison of Trump 45 to the Biden years yielded an incredible result as all classes of American voters recognized where we were headed if an electoral revolution failed to materialize.
After these eight short weeks, the economy is beginning to recover, and DJT has begun carrying out all of the actions that he promised. No baloney, no empty promises- just action as promised. His cabinet appointees have cleared the hurdles placed in their paths by the Democrats and a few RINO representatives, but they have survived and are now functional members of the cabinet.
Although Trump says he isn't looking for retribution against those who sought to destroy him as a candidate, a businessman and our President, it is apparent that he won't have to seek revenge, but that certain actions will result in those responsible for the constant attacks, some of them even treasonous or bordering on the same, being brought into the public limelight for their egregious acts.
The publication of the Epstein lists, the unsealing of the Kennedy files, and full and open investigation into the operations of the FBI, CIA and certain other prominent figures in both houses of Congress is likely to create some pure hell for those who deserve it, and I look forward to seeing the downfall of those to whom it is due. We don't have to name them- we all know them by their deeds.
Let us all be proud that we are part of the movement back to sanity and our American strength, greatness and prosperity. We almost lost it, and we're now back on track as our great leader, President Trump, along with his appointees and staff, do what is necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I cannot say it any better than this! Our friend Steve sent this to me and it sums up my feelings 100%
I'm Tired!
Where do you stand?
I Used to Be A ‘Normal’ Person…
I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist, and responsible for slavery.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget, and support myself.
I went to Grammar School and have always held a job. But I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged".
I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.
I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.
I am older than 65, drawing Social Security, making me a useless eater who doesn't understand Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat.
I think, and I reason, and I doubt most of what the ‘mainstream’ media tells me, which makes me a Right-wing conspiracy nut.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive culture, making me a xenophobe and a white supremacist.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair reward according to each individual's merits, which today makes me a far-right-wing, mega-MAGA, privileged racist
I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline arcane sociopath.
I believe in the defense and protection of my nation for and by all citizens, now making me a war-mongering militant.
I am proud of our flag, what it stands for, and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand during our National Anthem - so I must be a racist-white supremacist.
Please help me come to terms with the new me because I'm just not sure who I am anymore!
Funny - This all took place over the last 10 or so years!
Thank you, Bob R, for sending this to us by email. What a sad commentary on how far we have fallen!
Truth IS stranger than fiction...
...and perhaps even more frightening!
HERE is a humorous video from 1993 that offers a preview of the Biden presidency. It was quite funny then, but somehow the reality of our current situation makes it a subtle warning of what is to come if we don't pull together for the next election cycle. This is definitely worth two-and-a-half minutes of your time. You'll laugh first, but we expect you will see the gravity of the situation.
Click HERE to view, then return to REGISTER for our next meeting and join ACT for America to receive their Act Now Alerts for National and State issues.
Silence is no longer an option. We cannot accept the status quo.
Silence is not an option. In an era where the Liberal Left has gone to the extremes they have, one can only be both active and activist in the political jungle that our country has become.
Review of the last eighteen months does little to mitigate any emotions or concerns about our future. The fact that the overt actions to overthrow our democratic republic began even before Obama achieved the Presidency is testament to the challenges facing America at this time. I don’t consider myself an expert in politics, but I do know right from wrong, lawful from unlawful, moral from immoral. Yet there appears to be not only a new generation of leftist loons coming out of our educational system at all levels, but an entire crop of leftist politicians who have suddenly come out of the Marxist closet.
As a voter, I always respected differing opinions as expressed by members of all parties and could always debate the validity of their views with respect to reality. If some had views that were at odds with mine, there was always room for discussion, generally friendly, and whether we agreed in the end was not the ultimate goal- we each had our opinions and our votes, and this is what our American system always stood for. Try to find anything like this in our currently polarized world- it does not exist. We now live in a black and white world (this is not a racial metaphor). There is no longer a gray area, a compromise zone. Make note of how far we have strayed from the principles of our Founding Fathers! They must be rolling in their graves!
Now at the end of my seventh decade on this Earth, I look back as far as my memory can take me, somewhere in the mid-1940s, and I am struck by how we made progress through thick and thin in so many ways until all of it was reversed in the last two decades. We won a World-War in 1945 and became the strongest nation. We used our strength to protect South Korea five years later. For better or worse, we had an obligation by treaty to do so.
In the mid-fifties, our troops began serving as ‘advisors’ in southeast Asia – you know where that brought us during the next twenty-one years – Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam. Although I am a veteran and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all veterans, we should not have been involved there, and we lost too many young Americans to that conflict. And then there are those who returned having served their country, only to be afflicted with presumptive diseases caused by the ’safe’ use of Agent Orange as a defoliant to expose the enemy positions. The producers of this chemical lied to the people about the side-effects and after-effects of this herbicide, and many of my veteran brothers are suffering from its effects still, and many have died from corollary diseases. It’s only gotten worse from there.
In 1964, facing an uphill battle for reelection, Lyndon Johnson reluctantly pushed for adoption of the Civil Rights Act. Johnson was a noted bigot, and it became known that he was ‘throwing the Negroes a crumb’ to gain enough votes to get elected. Apparently it worked, and he returned to the White House to continue the Vietnam War and proceed to get more of our young men killed in the process. His justification for the war was his phony Gulf of Tonkin Resolution following a supposed attack on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin by the North Vietnamese Navy. They didn’t have a navy- the boats that ‘attacked’ the Maddox were smaller than PT boats and the Maddox encountered some small arms (rifle) fire in the so-called attack. Most of the sailors on the Maddox didn’t even know they were attacked until they heard news reports.
We can now move ahead to the Clinton era – another example of high moral standards – both his and hers. Here we see the visible breakdown of morality with the Lewinsky affair, and then the mysterious deaths of Vince Foster and now, in later times, Jeffrey Epstein, both long-time Clinton ‘business’ associates. No further comment necessary here.
George W. Bush got us involved in Iraq- whether of not justifiably- and it will be argued for a long time to come. The only good that occurred during this time was the unification of all Americans following the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center. That horror, and the loss of over 2,000 American lives certainly made us ‘One America’ even though it would soon fall apart once again.
Enter Barack Hussein Obama and his ‘charming’ wife, Michelle. He makes it perfectly clear that his goal is to ‘fundamentally change’ America (he was an avid student of Marxist Theory. And Michelle made it quite clear that she ‘was ncver proud of this country’ until they elected her husband. During the next eight years they both tore apart the bonds that held Americans together. I can only view them as wedges driving apart the planks of freedom that our country was built on. The damage that they did to race relations in America erased much of the progress that had been made. This administration openly supported riots and disobedience as norms of protest and divided our people across both political and racial lines.
Enter Donald Trump. He was a hard-nosed businessman from New York City, well known for his take-no-prisoners approach. He was not from the politically acceptable crowd, but his no-nonsense direct approach to national politics got him into the Presidency. He was brash and spontaneous, sometimes genuinely offensive, but everyone knew where he was coming from. He never pulled the wool over our eyes, and was the epitome of the WYSIWYG acronym- What You See Is What You Get!
Unfortunately, the Left began attacking him as soon as he announced his intent to run for office. They used every underhanded, immoral and illegal tactic to undermine him. It almost worked, but he managed to ride it out and get his victory. They came up with the phony dossier- how many people will be implicated if the Republicans take back the Congress and the Presidency!
With our country reeling in protests and suffering violence in many cities (oddly enough all of them run by Democrats), and the removal of all semblance of a national border with Mexico by Joe Biden’s executive orders and Mayorkas’ refusal to have the Department of Homeland Security uphold existing law, we have now become a ‘country without borders’ where our so-called government aids and abets the arrival of illegal immigrants, and the refusal to prevent the entry of criminals and drug runners. The ‘Feds’ have even set up an underground ‘railway’ to ferry these illegals throughout our country under cover of darkness. They will tell you it’s in the name of ‘humanity’ but we know they want to bring them in and give them the right to vote ‘D’ in the elections. But people are beginning to wake to the reality amid rising inflation, recession and ultimately a depression.
They’ve increased our national debt to untenable levels with their writing of checks that are backed only by promissory note. Yes, eventually the bill comes due! And they continue to ask for more money with the knowledge that it is not sustainable.
Then you have ‘Big Tech’ who shill for these fools on the hill with the hopes of gaining power in a brave new world of government control and top-down bureaucracy. Even God won’t be able to save us if we let them get away with this. And to top it off, the FBI has now raided Mar a Lago to do a search and seizure operation. I don’t believe President Trump is in danger of going to jail (wouldn’t to Left love that!), but they are simply attempting to smear him an reduce his chances of running for another term in the Oval Office. I will not offer my opinion of whether he should run or not, but this is, in my eyes, another effort by the forces of the destructive Obama/Clinton/Schiff/Pelosi/Schumer Left to shame him. My prediction is that their efforts will fail. Note my omission of the Biden name. His lack of mental capacity renders him to positions of puppet and useful idiot, one with too much power!
Despite this, I try to be an optimist. You likely ask how I can be optimistic in light of what’s happening? Even Bill Clinton was smart enough to say, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Look at the job market, the price of gasoline and natural gas, food prices and shortages, a sharp rise in the Consumer Price Index – and they want to increase the National Debt even more with their pork projects that do nothing to build our country. They propose ‘Build Back Better’ as their remedy. How about they just put it back the way it was before they started.
The outcome, in my opinion, will be the return of a strong Republican electorate. We must, however, not assume anything or take anything for granted, for this is the last hurrah for our great nation if we cannot prevail in the November election. We must retake the House, the Senate and most of our State Houses and Governorships if we are to return to national normalcy and strength. We must get involved and do whatever is needed to accomplish this rebirth.
God Bless America, Land of The Free and Home of The Brave!
POLITICAL REALITY CHECK… (you need to read this and pass it along!)
If you leave the gate open, the cow will wander off.
So, if you intentionally leave the gate open, you want the cow to wander off.
You can't blame stupidity or laziness. It was intentional.
If you cut police budgets, you will get more crime on the streets.
So,, if you intentionally cut police budgets, you wanted more crime on the streets.
If you cut back the supply of oil, gas prices will go up.
So, if you intentionally cut back the supply of oil, you wanted gas prices to go up.
If you print trillions of dollars without increasing the supply of goods, inflation will hit hard.
So, if you intentionally print trillions of dollars without more goods, you wanted inflation to hit hard.
If you leave the Southern border wide open, you get more drug trafficking and human trafficking.
So, if you intentionally leave the border wide open, you wanted more drug trafficking and human trafficking.
If you shut down 40% of the supply of baby formula in February, you'll get a huge shortage.
When you KNOW a huge baby formula shortage is coming because of the FDA's actions, and you purposefully do nothing to prevent it, month after month, until the crisis finally hits hard, you INTENDED this crisis.
It is time to recognize the evil people behind that old man in Washington, DC. They want a crisis. They want chaos.
They want riots. They want conflicts in your town.
Their stated purpose years ago with Obama was to "…take the US down a few notches on the world stage."
Can you feel the quality of your life going down with the country?
These are not foolish or misguided people. They are headed somewhere you don't want to go...
If you can understand that this is already happening, it’s incumbent on you to spread this far and wide.
We the People can turn this around!
Switzerland - their unique perspective about firearms. You can bet your life it won't happen here! This is why Switzerland is one of the safest places in the entire world to live.
Click HERE to watch this amazing video. We do have a lot to learn!
I am not a lawyer, and I don't play one on TV. But I will still speak my mind- it's my right! We've all heard a similar line before, and it's time that an 'average Joe' speaks out against what is happening in our country. Yes, we are living in troubled times, and we are now seeing and feeling the fallout from the seeds of Socialism sown by the Biden administration and the Socialist Progressives.
The best authority on the mRNA vaccine is the developer of the technology, Dr. Robert Malone. The worst part of the problem is constant mandates pushed by Biden and many other public officials. Fauci is part of the problem, and may be complicit in the research that gave us the Covid-19 pandemic. The MSM is not medical authority, and doctors have been silenced for speaking out based on years of clinical experience.
It is our opinion that we should be able to make our own educated choices, and should be provided with real, uncensored information, not political 'facts' generated by the politically-favored elite. Click on the image at the right to see the video.
Wild Pigs - A Reminder for All
Words to remember: Karl Marx said, "Remove one freedom per generation and soon you will have no freedom, and no one would have noticed."
There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class.
One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man, “What is the matter?”
The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime.
In the middle of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"
The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line.
The young man said that it was no joke. "You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food.
"When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.
"They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side.
"The pigs, which are now accustomed to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.
Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity."
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare entitlements, medicine, drugs, etc., while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time.
One should always remember two truths:
(1) There is no such thing as a free lunch, and
(2) You can never hire someone to provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.
If you see that all this wonderful government "help" is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to share this with your friends.
If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life, then you will probably not share this.
BUT, God help us all when the gate slams shut! Think about it.
Quote for today: "The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."
Our 'President' Continues to Destroy America!
by Eric Spinner
Joe Biden’s administration has now further proven their lack of intelligence and lack of understanding of anything more than misinformation. The last thing I need is to hear Biden’s ‘experts’ mismanage what is one of the most important missions after 20 years in Afghanistan.
How many did we lose in defeating Taliban? Are we now willing to throw away the young lives spent in creating options for peace? We learned from the drawdown in Iraq that the vacuum created by our leaving will be filled by those with the most arms and power. We had peace, tenuous but peace just the same. The Taliban was willing to negotiate knowing they had been crushed, and now the Biden administration has thrown prior knowledge to the winds and announced to the enemy when they can expect to regain power. They have abandoned the people of Afghanistan to the rapists and murderers who now make their young women sex slaves and then kill them. Just as bad, the administration has abandoned all the Afghan interpreters who worked with our troops so we could accomplish our goals.
Now they suddenly activate three battalions of troops to cover the embassy and the airport so the evacuation can be carried out. Pitiful, at best. And what about the ordnance that has been allowed to fall into enemy hands? Why didn’t they take it out with our troops, or at least render it unusable? How long can we expect them to take before they are flying our drones or using our most sophisticated weapons against innocent civilians, or our own troops.
As a veteran, I’m sickened by this entire administration and what they’ve done to our great country, or what is left of it. All that is left is a bunch of sniveling brats who turn against each other based on race or ethnicity or multiple sexual identities, whatever that is. They’ve now delegitimized law and order, and they have removed incentive for self-improvement. They’ve increased our national debt to unsustainable levels to promote their Socialist/Marxist/Communist plans. I, for one, am sick and tired of all of it, and I hope it can be turned around at the election booth and not have to rely on another American revolution. The signs are not favorable.
While you're here, bookmark the link to Nick's PAS Report: https://pasreport.com
Here is a must-see video sent to Eric by a good friend, Chaplain Rabbi Paul Swerdlow, Chief Rabbi at Northport Veterans Administration Medical Center. Israel faces the same old problems, but they won't cower and accede. Click on the image at the right...
"Let me tell you something"
This is the future of American energy production in our country.
If you need old energy resources to build or maintain solar or wind you only have supplemental systems.
You can’t build wind turbines using power from wind turbines. Only Eco-Leninist morons of the left can see this.
Even the windbags in DC can't blow off the ice!
The Battle of Our Lives!
- a message from the webmaster